Friday, October 9, 2009

is the 'emerging church' the only version of the next church?

Soong-Chan Rah

(love this quote) p. 108
"there I was, sitting in yet another workshop led by yet another blonde-haired, perpetually twenty-nine, white male with a goatee and eyeglasses way cooler than yours." - with absolutely no recognition that there are 'emerging' or 'next-generation' churches with Black, or Asian or Hispanic leadership/congregations ...

the 'post-modern' movement in evangelicalism is still a movement held captive/blinded by and therefore perpetuating the white-western image and ethos

Rah says it is outragious how many books are written on the emerging church compared to its relative size as a movement - only 150 pomo congregations in the US but 300-700 second-generation Asian congregations - but where is the notoriety, publicity for them?

p. 113 - 115 post-moderns crave community, communication, authenticity, diversity (and it has nothing to do with denomination loyalty, dynamic sermons, worship style)- but is the w/w church really answering the call?

simulation rarely promotes long term stimulation

p. 117
pluralism is universally recognized as the central tenet of postmodernity yet where is it affirmed in the post modern expression of evangelical Christianity? - the only acknowledgement appears to be in the question of how other faiths impact Christianity and how the EC will impact the world - BUT NEVER ABOUT HOW NON-WHITE CHRISTIANITY WILL SHAPE AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY!

P. 124 "I personally find the term 'emerging church' offensive. I believe the E/C is the church in Africa, Asia and Latin America - churches growing by leaps and bounds. For a small group of white Americans to usurp the term = reflects arrogance."

p. 125 E/C leaders = disgruntled with baby-boomer evangelicalism ... why don't they leave B/B churches and join immigrant churches instead of clustering with other white Americans to form a new movement!

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